Assalamualaikum kepada semua yang datang kat blog saya ni...tah la nape sejak dua menjak ni,saya rajin update blog.. entry ni adalah nak citer nasihat cikgu saya kat Sains Muar.. beliau postkan status kat facebook pasal kawen awal school mate saya...kot...hahaha tak pasti lak npe cikgu post pasal ni.. selalu saya akan buat statement "aah..mmg saya tahu pun npe cikgu nk buat post ni.." (nada sarcastic) hehehe...gurau aje...
risau jugak cikgu rupanya... ada lagi ni jap2...sebahagian dari komen beliau...
jadi ni la nasihat cikgu bagi... sekadar perkongsian...masing2 ada pendapat sendiri...apa2 pun lu pikir la sendiri ( sorry ek Nabil guna tagline ni ) wasalam...harap entry ni tidak disalah tafsir...terima kasih..
Saturday, December 31, 2011
next year exam??
Assalamualaikum to all....
today's entry want to talk about my exam schedule..
most of my friend will say "la,rilek dlu...exam tahun dpn"
hahha...of course it is going to be next year..because now..
it is END of the year 2011..
1st paper, ENT 600 2.15p.m-5.15p.m (5th Jan)
next, QMT 522 9am-12pm (14th Jan)
last paper,QMT 533 2.45pm-5.45pm (20th Jan)
and it's going to be the verrrrryyyyyyyyy last paper...
although my schedule exam look like there's a lot of time...
for me to do is just tooooo long.. should be thankful for the time that I have...
so,see you next time...
Pororo: isn't it cute??
this is not wordless Wednesday segment...
just..I like this sooooooooo much....hehehe
If I buy this,for sure that my little sis want this too..
to avoid that I will fight with, I won't buy it..huhu
hahaha...cute is it?? just admit it...rite? rite?
even I can't say word R properly for this case,I sure like to say pororo~~
Friday, December 30, 2011
is it my engagement?
Assalamualaikum to all readers..
this time my entry is about the misunderstanding on Along's engagement..
so,not me who was engaged...hahaha....
so,not me who was engaged...hahaha....
this is happen when my dad upload the pictures...and even on my fb status
hahaha... when I think back,I just want to laugh at it..
anyway I like the way my dad answer (Anuar Tahar),
actually I don't even dare to interrupt on the comment..#eh
anyway I like the way my dad answer (Anuar Tahar),
actually I don't even dare to interrupt on the comment..#eh
sorry,it is not me who is engage..anyway, ALONG congrats!!
this is pak ngah's house |
di'remove' dalam list follower
Assalamualaikum kepada semua
entry kali ni nak cakap,saya diremove dalam list follower dalam twitter
aduii,pedih lak rasenya bila tahu..
google image |
xpe la nak buat macam mana.. terima je la..
mungkin sebab dia tak biasa kot gurauan kawan cara saya..
atau mungkin cara saya salah..
pape pun...xpe la..paham kenapa tindakan dia tu..
igt nak buat tak tahu je...tapi..serba salah lak kat kat social network je..
kalau kat fb,xbpe nk rasa sangat...
kawan yg tak kenal,tak terkira..
tp kat twitter ni,mmg accept yg kenal je..,kalau dia baca ni sorry la ek...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
#10 spontaneous thurday
Assalamualaikum to all...for today spontaneous session,like to share you guys the word of
mistletoe meaning is a plant with white berries, growing on trees (page 425,Oxford Mini Dictionary&Thesaurus) why I choose this? because one of Justin Bieber's hit song entitle the song.. (^_^)
aha!! one more thing, this week is a week for study or usually what we call STUDY WEEK..
my first paper is on 5th January, then 14th January and my last paper is on 20th January... Just toooooo many gap huh?? well...hahaha..just accept the date...that's all for the spontaneous moment...chow guys..
mistletoe meaning is a plant with white berries, growing on trees (page 425,Oxford Mini Dictionary&Thesaurus) why I choose this? because one of Justin Bieber's hit song entitle the song.. (^_^)
aha!! one more thing, this week is a week for study or usually what we call STUDY WEEK..
my first paper is on 5th January, then 14th January and my last paper is on 20th January... Just toooooo many gap huh?? well...hahaha..just accept the date...that's all for the spontaneous moment...chow guys..
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Who Are You Meant To be Assessment quiz # 7
Assalamualaikum to all who still read this... I give you a standing ovation...good for you...
for this entry, how control can I be...
why I feel this score it seems to nice for me... I try to be in this control...which sometimes I can't be in know how girl emotions are,right? sometimes are unstable...which I don't like when I'm in that state...
-another autopost-
for this entry, how control can I be...
why I feel this score it seems to nice for me... I try to be in this control...which sometimes I can't be in know how girl emotions are,right? sometimes are unstable...which I don't like when I'm in that state...
-another autopost-
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Who Are You meant To Be Assessment quiz #6
Assalamualaikum...there's another description about the quiz that I took from Oprah's website.. this is about my secure,let's see what's the answer
wow!!! "I am the rock in a storm" but wait...careful with money?? not all the time...whenever I want to spend I will spend..for now, I spend a lot on FOOD..
wow!!! "I am the rock in a storm" but wait...careful with money?? not all the time...whenever I want to spend I will spend..for now, I spend a lot on FOOD..
Who Are You Meant To be Assessment quiz #5
Assalamualaikum...sick of my entry for today? haha don't be like that...This is just something that I want to share...last night (23 Dec) I took this quiz and just want to share how knowledgeable I am..
"you try to surpass the competence level of peers,EVEN managers" what?? okay it is look like a good thing,but I think if I be in this situation, I need slightly need to back off a bit...not to overshadow my manager.. okay I see the word CURIOUS again.."but that things,NOT people" (o o ..this sure not a good thing,is it?)
"which can make you seem smug or arrogant" that is sure me..this need to be overcome.seriously.I mean it..
"you try to surpass the competence level of peers,EVEN managers" what?? okay it is look like a good thing,but I think if I be in this situation, I need slightly need to back off a bit...not to overshadow my manager.. okay I see the word CURIOUS again.."but that things,NOT people" (o o ..this sure not a good thing,is it?)
"which can make you seem smug or arrogant" that is sure me..this need to be overcome.seriously.I mean it..
Who Are You Meant To Be Assessment #4 quiz
Assalamualaikum to all reader...another post about this..haha which obviously it is an autopost..this time around to see how spontaneous I,this is the description..
when "You're a born entertainer", first in my mind I don't think that I am some sort of that artist which most of people want to be.. I just can entertain my own way..I don't know maybe with my jokes or..the way I talk,or that I can't say the letter R properly..hahaha...
when "You're a born entertainer", first in my mind I don't think that I am some sort of that artist which most of people want to be.. I just can entertain my own way..I don't know maybe with my jokes or..the way I talk,or that I can't say the letter R properly..hahaha...
Who Are You Meant to be Assessment quiz #3: striving to be creative
Assalamualaikum okay here we go again..this is one for how creative I am... I think I can use this for my interview... My strength.. #justsaying
Is this me?? hahaha I want to blushing for awhile #lols
this is one is interesting : "create an innovative blog" (second last row)
so I want to say I HAVE DONE IT!!
Is this me?? hahaha I want to blushing for awhile #lols
this is one is interesting : "create an innovative blog" (second last row)
so I want to say I HAVE DONE IT!!
Who Are You Meant To be Assessment quiz #2: striving to be recognize
Assalamualaikum to all of you..if you have read the previous one..this is the extension for the description of the quiz.
"you work tirelessly" it seems like me...emm what else...workaholic??,Anisa you better watch out okay #remind
suddenly I interested at "run a 10K" might be a good challenges for me.. (I am really not good in reviewing #admitting)
"you work tirelessly" it seems like me...emm what else...workaholic??,Anisa you better watch out okay #remind
suddenly I interested at "run a 10K" might be a good challenges for me.. (I am really not good in reviewing #admitting)
Friday, December 23, 2011
Who Are You Meant to be Assessment quiz#1
Assalamualaikum to all reader.. I just took an quiz from Oprah website..
This is my scores after I took the quiz. So, this are the description.
about "Who AreYou Meant To Be"
This is my scores after I took the quiz. So, this are the description.
I guess this is me..a bit..wait for other description...
sweet escape
Assalamualaikum kepada semua.. entry kali ni,just nak mention...setelah berhempas pulas untuk habiskan sesi kelas untuk semester ni..jadi saya memutuskan untuk pulang ke kampung, KUALA PILAH tercinta..
hari ni hari bersejarah buat adik saya, Aslam telah buat keputusan untuk bersunat..sebelum sesi persekolah nak bermula.. dah besar dah adik saya..hahaha...setelah di'interbiu' kenapa dia nak sunat..
kerana sahabat baiknya, Qayyum telah sunat..(sweet sangat..)
boleh dikatakan ni adalah sweet escape saya before menghadapi presentation hari selasa ni dan before study week... nak exam dah...hahaha caye tak?? dah nak habis semester 5...
so, target saya dapat ANUGERAH DEKAN...hahaha (mood: semangat walaupun hati sekarang kat rumah)
so,for now..this is just my simple update..wasalam..
hari ni hari bersejarah buat adik saya, Aslam telah buat keputusan untuk bersunat..sebelum sesi persekolah nak bermula.. dah besar dah adik saya..hahaha...setelah di'interbiu' kenapa dia nak sunat..
kerana sahabat baiknya, Qayyum telah sunat..(sweet sangat..)
boleh dikatakan ni adalah sweet escape saya before menghadapi presentation hari selasa ni dan before study week... nak exam dah...hahaha caye tak?? dah nak habis semester 5...
so, target saya dapat ANUGERAH DEKAN...hahaha (mood: semangat walaupun hati sekarang kat rumah)
so,for now..this is just my simple update..wasalam..
Thursday, December 22, 2011
#9 spontaneous thursday
Assalamualaikum to all,
for today segment of spontaneous Thursday
Anyone who has never made a mistake
has never tried anything new
Albert Einstein
this is for everyone and also me..
don't be afraid to make mistake (and yeahh I admit that's me)
so, I need to change..and so are you..
(^_^) good thoughts huh??
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
keluar result pmr
Assalamualaikum kepada semua readers...
entry kali ni nak citer pasal result PMR nak keluar dah...
pengalaman nak dapat result...memang tak boeh nak dilupakan...
dulu buat entry untuk adik2 spm "bahang spm" hahaha
pmr xsempat nak buat entry..
sikit info masa amik PMR
1. duduk paling DEPAN dan yg first dalam dewan (angka giliran: Nxx x001)
2. bawak semua buku rujukan tiap2 hari pergi kelas..
3. antara paling awal sampai kelas (6.40pagi) sebab bapak pergi sekolah b4 pkl 7pg..
4.paling lambat balik rumah (4.00petang) sebab ikut bapak nye waktu,stay kat kelas..jumpa cikgu,buat notes+past year + siyes RAJIN (x sangka)
5. x sempat nak keluar dgn kawan (punye la budak skema)
masa dapat result: by announcing kat bilik guru...tapi siyes tak suspen sbb anak kepada cikgu syikin (anak dia yg ketiga) pergi jerit satu koridor pasal result saya...adoiii..time tu orang dah dok congrat..kang salah result mau malu lak..time tu cool je la..nak buat cam ne lagi kan...
dah dapat result,berLOMPAT saya dalam bilik guru tu...(sekolah kecik xramai,semua girls...tu lg xkisah)
jadi kepada adik2 yang amik result PMR (6 tahun lepas bagi ku) chaiyokkk2!!!
entry kali ni nak citer pasal result PMR nak keluar dah...
pengalaman nak dapat result...memang tak boeh nak dilupakan...
dulu buat entry untuk adik2 spm "bahang spm" hahaha
pmr xsempat nak buat entry..
sikit info masa amik PMR
1. duduk paling DEPAN dan yg first dalam dewan (angka giliran: Nxx x001)
2. bawak semua buku rujukan tiap2 hari pergi kelas..
3. antara paling awal sampai kelas (6.40pagi) sebab bapak pergi sekolah b4 pkl 7pg..
4.paling lambat balik rumah (4.00petang) sebab ikut bapak nye waktu,stay kat kelas..jumpa cikgu,buat notes+past year + siyes RAJIN (x sangka)
5. x sempat nak keluar dgn kawan (punye la budak skema)
masa dapat result: by announcing kat bilik guru...tapi siyes tak suspen sbb anak kepada cikgu syikin (anak dia yg ketiga) pergi jerit satu koridor pasal result saya...adoiii..time tu orang dah dok congrat..kang salah result mau malu lak..time tu cool je la..nak buat cam ne lagi kan...
dah dapat result,berLOMPAT saya dalam bilik guru tu...(sekolah kecik xramai,semua girls...tu lg xkisah)
jadi kepada adik2 yang amik result PMR (6 tahun lepas bagi ku) chaiyokkk2!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011
is it hard to say "Please" and "Thank You"?
Assalamualaikum to all silent readers and active bloggers..
As for this entry,allow me to write in English..(hehehe thank you)
I realized that the words like "please" and "thank you" seems very hard to be say..
I don't know why but maybe it just very typical minor thing to say..
I learn about this since I was in kindergarten.. At that very age, by saying "thank you" when we got chocolate,
when we want something, "mummy,can I have this please..." it is look very adorable..
What happen now..that by saying "please" and "thank you" are NOT necessary..
how many times you say "thank you" per day?
to your friends? to someone who you don't know?
so...try to say make for better place.. peace wasalam (^_^)
this entry is for all who read it...not for personal intention...
As for this entry,allow me to write in English..(hehehe thank you)
I realized that the words like "please" and "thank you" seems very hard to be say..
I don't know why but maybe it just very typical minor thing to say..
I learn about this since I was in kindergarten.. At that very age, by saying "thank you" when we got chocolate,
when we want something, "mummy,can I have this please..." it is look very adorable..
What happen now..that by saying "please" and "thank you" are NOT necessary..
how many times you say "thank you" per day?
to your friends? to someone who you don't know?
so...try to say make for better place.. peace wasalam (^_^)
this entry is for all who read it...not for personal intention...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Quote Of The Day #2
If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really love the first, you wouldn't fallen for the second
- Johnny Depp-
p/s: my roomate really like this quote...just for today,I listen like 3-5 times...
Saturday, December 17, 2011
this is me~~
this is me...for a couple of week..staring now...hehehe....
how about you guys??
-picture from facebook- |
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