Ini adalah projek pertama kali aku buat. Aku rasa bangga sebab projek ini mendapat sambutan dari kelab inSTATS. Antara liku-liku yang aku hadapi pada permulaan menghantar proposal kapada dekan nak approve kn...bermula lepas aku pergi Kursus Pengurusan Organisasi pada 8-12 Disember 2010. Pada masa itu jugak,kami decide nk wat event ni.. so,aku diberi tanggungjawab untuk buat proposal. pendek citer,proposal ni kne reject 2 kali..yg kali ketiga bru approve. mmg terbaik la. first time, rse kne wat follow-up,wat call dgn pihak fakulti dan Bait al-amin(thanks pd intan,dia yg byk contek dgn org sne). the proposal totally approve end of january..
mse dh approve,ari tu jgk cari peserta 50org. wat promotion kat post,anta msg. mcm2 medium aku gne. ttbe last minute, budak part 3 dgn xle nk join sbb ada modul. Mse tu try positif kn diri.. just pikir,kne cri ramai lg peserta. Xpe2 ada la hikmah sebalik ni.. minggu b4 nk g, siyes mcm2 aku kne setel. Mmg la penat tp bile aku renung2,puas sgt2...
Tarikh: 18-20 febuari 2011
Tempat: Bait al-amin,Parit,Perak
Hari nk pergi tu (18 febuari) kumpulkan sumbangan untuk anak-anak yatim. Bertolak dari Shah Alam lepas solat Jumaat. Tiba kat Bait Al-amin pkl 8.30mlm. kalau nak citer pe yg kami buat mse kat bas xde menda la sgt. Just wat briefing awal aktiviti. okay sampai je kat sana, adik2 kat sne tggu kami datang.. mereka xmakan malam lagi semata2 nk tggu kami.. terharu sgt2...malam tu ada la skit pembukaan,ucapan2 lepas tu start buat ice-breaking dengan adik2 ni... malam tu jgk, aku dpt mcm2 gelaran: Kakak Ragbi, Kakak raksasa.. masa tu la time aku mendekatkan diri dgn bdk2 ni.. Penat jgk layan budak kecik..hahaha kat tempat tu ada 25 lelaki,15 perempuan. Umur adik2 ni dlm 4 tahun hingga 17 tahun.
19 Febuari, pg2 senaman pagi la kn...dptkn mood pagi..lepas tu breakfast sama2.. start pkl 8.30pagi, wat gotong-royong sekitar sana. mula2 lepaskan bdk2 ni..basuh kasut, kemas bilik.. yg fasi2(bdk2 inSTATS) tlg adik2 kemas pe2 yg ptt. ada jgk tlg siapkan kerja sekolah. time tu rse masa btol2 terluang dan rasa lebih rapat dengan adik2 sana. Aktiviti lepas tu, buat aktiviti berkumpulan. Lepas Zohor, adik2 laki punyer la pujuk aku dgn kak odah, nk tgk movie. "Kak...Please2 bagi la kami tgk citer...Kejap je..Nak crow zero"
mse tu mmg la serba atas dasar bertimbang rse,,bg la tgk citer tu sekejap. Lepas tu sambung la lg aktiviti dgn diorang.. Mse tu la tgk bdk2 fasi dgn adik2 ni rapat. Aku selaku ketua projek,rse siyes mcm "yeahhhh misi aku tercapai"
Petang tu, adik2 ni bawak kami ke bendang....permandangan yg jauh lg best dr bangunan2 tinggi,penuh dgn kreta2.. rse tenang sgt..permandangan pun cantik sgt2..kat situ,biasa la...tangkap gmbr la kje je...releasekn tension hehehe..siap men lumba lari dgn bdk2 ni..
malam nyer...perghhh LDK lg..aku ddk belakang tabir la time ni...mmg dr awal,kje memantau je...hehehe
20 Febuari..last day, pagi2 tu men la dgn adik2 ni...hidupkan mood happy sbb biasa la nnt dh nk balik mesti sdey...aah betul sangkaan aku...aku nanges beb...xtahan...sebak2...
aku wat pantun b4 balik tu...hehe "pagi2 makan oreo, akk nanges ilang macho"
ttbe je terkuar idea tu...biasa la time penutup..kne bg ucapan jgk..wahhh...anisa berucap??? mmg la pendek je k...overall event ni aku x byk ckp sbb time tu akk sakit tekak,selsema...adus,,time ada event time tu la byk kerenah...
kat sini aku nak amik kesempatan utk ckp terima kasih kat pn.azlina sbb anta and present proposal kat dekan. beliau sgt rajin wat follow up dgn aku..always update. rajin bertanya.. kepada intan jgk sbb call dgn orang sne. kepada azierah dgn fatien wat publisiti.. kepada kwn2 kelas cs2214b yg ikut...rse mcm dpt sokongan dari kamu semua. Kak odah, farah, linda,sarah, kak dina, wani, aida, nad, naim, madi, nazz, pija, pika, dan ramai lg...ramai sgt...maaf kalau xde nama kalian..
Lepas event ni,, aku dpt byk pengalaman.. mmg byk networking aku buat.. walaupun event x seberapa gempak tp aku tetap bangga hasil ni semua...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
wakanabeb dgn mmbr kembara
aku nk ucapkan 'terima kasih' kepada kawan aku, Ir Bukhari (nama facebook) telah wakanabeb kat aku...pergh...tobat lepas ni,aku xkn simply bkk apa2 link dr kwn2 aku...
aku lak fokus kat gmbr...mule2 aku igt nk cari perbezaan gmbr..mne tak nyer arahan dia bagi dalam bahasa cina,mne la aku paham... lepas tu kau..kuar gmbr raksasa dgn2 sound effect sekali...
Nasib baik, aku xpkai headfone..kalau x mau aku x nanges...gile lak aii
dan nasib baik jgk..aku x ddk umah sorg2..mau aku double nanges..
aduss...lemah jantung aku...nasib baik x..terhenti..
ko ni kn...mmg la bukhari.. kacau jek aku nk buat forecasting..dan nasib baik jgk time tu,aku x minum air...mau x lappy aku basah sbb aku 'fire' gne air kopi ni...anyway thanks wat aku x 'tido' nk siapkn assignment..
kuang asam jawa la bdk nie..
info tmbhan..aku jerit time kuar menda alah tuh...sambil tutup muka aku dgn bantal..
pergghh terbaik la.. kalau tiap sem ada org kne kn aku gni..mau giler aku dibuatnyer..
tapi kn selalunyer aku x ske bkk link org npe td aku gatal sgt nk bkk..
p/s: jgn simply bkk link yg pelik2...nnt jd mcm aku. (perasaan curious aku tinggi kot time tuh) kalau utk org xbpe berani..xyh la korg bkk ek..
aku lak fokus kat gmbr...mule2 aku igt nk cari perbezaan gmbr..mne tak nyer arahan dia bagi dalam bahasa cina,mne la aku paham... lepas tu kau..kuar gmbr raksasa dgn2 sound effect sekali...
Nasib baik, aku xpkai headfone..kalau x mau aku x nanges...gile lak aii
dan nasib baik jgk..aku x ddk umah sorg2..mau aku double nanges..
aduss...lemah jantung aku...nasib baik x..terhenti..
ko ni kn...mmg la bukhari.. kacau jek aku nk buat forecasting..dan nasib baik jgk time tu,aku x minum air...mau x lappy aku basah sbb aku 'fire' gne air kopi ni...anyway thanks wat aku x 'tido' nk siapkn assignment..
kuang asam jawa la bdk nie..
info tmbhan..aku jerit time kuar menda alah tuh...sambil tutup muka aku dgn bantal..
pergghh terbaik la.. kalau tiap sem ada org kne kn aku gni..mau giler aku dibuatnyer..
tapi kn selalunyer aku x ske bkk link org npe td aku gatal sgt nk bkk..
p/s: jgn simply bkk link yg pelik2...nnt jd mcm aku. (perasaan curious aku tinggi kot time tuh) kalau utk org xbpe berani..xyh la korg bkk ek..
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geraammm |
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ini adalah respond dari mmbr... |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
citer disebalik post 10 feb
ini citer sebaliknyer.. sebelum cuti mid-term, aku tdo bilik kak odah( malam nyer tu.. before tu,aku kuar dgn kak odah makan kat barra sksyn 7. mcm biasa la dia makan kat sne makan nasi kandar. ok2 ni dh lari topik ni. mcm ni la, lepas bngun subuh aku decide nk balik umah sewa aku lepas tu.. yea la kelas pkl 10.30pg kn, so ada la mse aku nk gosok bju ke hape ke..tunggu pnyer tunggu bas kn..aku naik la dlu bas uitm,sbb aku taw bas 604 senang dpt kat seroja. Dh sampai kat seroja,lepas tu terus la naik bas 604. dh aku naik kn..awal2 pagi mne la ada bdk naik bus ke arah sksyn 7..
drebar bus tu pun pelik,,"adik..ko nk g ke mne?, xde kelas ke??"
aku jwb "owh..xde la..malam td tdo bilik kawan siapkn assignment" tersengeh2 aku time tu.
"owh ada assignment ek,xpe2 ni nk balik umah sewa ke?" tnyer drebar bus tu lg. assignment la sgt tp...aku nk siapkn proposal event aku sbnrnyer...buat last check..haa lg 1 setelkn report induction INSTATS...
"aah kelas lmbt skit. lgpun xmandi lg xkn nk g kelas mcm ni" (time tu aku terpikir,npe aku jujur sgt ckp aku xmandi lg,ngokngek btol)
"owh..ok2 hahaha nnt saya antakn adik ek"
so pertama kali aku tgk mcm ne sshnyer drebar bus 604 nk amik bdk2 uitm dr sksyn 7 kelas pagi2..paling ramai kat area pusat komersial tuh..penat gk jd,,sbb ramai sgt penumpang so pasal aku drebar tu dh lupe..ttbe dia toleh kepala dia ke arah aku..muka dia mcm ckp "adus lupe lak aii.."
aku pun bg sign la ckp "xpe2 saya ok,,xrush mne2"
pe lg tawaf la aku 1 uitm lg sekali..2 kali je round..
dh sampai area rumah aku,,mmg time kat bas tu aku sorg je.
dia ckp la "adik,sorry ek lupe anta td.."
aku jwp pe taw,"xpe la...kirenyer saya jalan2 satu uitm,so xpe2.."
sejak ari tu mmg drebar bus tu cam muka aku lah...hahaha...
yg xle bla la kn,,plan aku nk balik umah dlm pkl 7 lbh sampai umah pkl 8.30
dlm hati aku,,aku ckp "baik aku jalan je td,,knfm aku sampai cepat..dpt gk aku exercise..bazir masa aku.."
tp nak kasi positive kn diri, "xpe la..aku dpt mmbr bru..drebar bus pun ok least aku berinteraksi dgn org"
pengalaman yg agak menarik bagi aku untuk semester 4 aku ni...<enjoy =p>
I am happy with myself
1. because I'm not depend on others ( most of the thing I can do on my own)
2. I know how to 'blend' in..( in other words mix with others)
3. I learn from my past. Avoid it to happen twice.
4. Love my family and all around me
5. I really do believe in my work.
6. Easy to forget other people mistake. (just move on with my life..there still more to come)
7. I like to challenge myself ( not all the time in comfort zone)
he's beautiful (korean drama)
One of my cousin said i look like the main cast of this Korean drama. Could it be??
Ko Mi-Nyeo & Ko Mi-Nam (both played by Park Shin-Hye),do I look like her? Maybe if you know me. It just in what way of my cousin said like that... I do watch the drama but not truly watch it(how could that be??) Just want to share..
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
post yg agak mengelikan hati
ha...arini je aku dpt mcm2 komen best...and i know i have a lot of friend yg sama2 sewel...
so,,thanks wat aku geli hati...walaupun ko x bpe sihat...aku dedicate kan ni utk ko...oraitt x??? hahha
mne nk cari org mcm aku nieh...
kak odah, antara kawan,kakak dan musuh???
Ini pulak pasal kawan aku yg kat UiTM...yg paham perangai aku...ajar aku mcm2.. selalu jgk wat drama dgn bile kitaorg gadoh knfm lepas 2 mseti ok nyer...dh taw masing2 nyer perangai... aku ske dia masak pedas2 semua2...hehehe dia sgt caring kat aku...
yg pasal post ni...mungkin takdir atau kebetulan dpt soalan ni...
aku kdg2 sje je marajuk2 nnt dpt perhatian dari dia ckp aku xpandai pujuk dia
ada ke ptt...mse kitaorg kuar...ada org ckp kitaorg ni adik-beradik...mungkin sbb kami ni org bugis kot...hhehehe kebetulan semata2
antara koleksi gmbr dia kat dlm lappy aku...byk je lg tp...kang blog aku ni penuh gmbr dia je... dia ni gler camera...pantang nmpk camera la senang citer
wakanabeb dgn junior
ini la junior aku post kat wall aku...cehh aku igtkn btol2 nk cri yg bgs nyer cpt2 dia bg komen so that aku xpkr bkn2....hahaha ni adalah gurauan semata2...aku pun xde la amik serious pun..aku ok je
hahaha...enjoy it
dh lama btol x nyakat kwn2 aku...kepada kawan aku,aiman...maaf la ek ko jd mangsa.. ini la sebenarnyer aku ske nyakat kawan2 aku tp sejak aku ddk kat UiTM ni dh lama rasenyer aku xnyakat kwn2 aku...xpe2 nxt time kalau ada,aku akan share kat blog aku...
11 Januari
11 Januari..mcm nama lagu kn.. masa hari tu,siyes aku rse pelik je seharian..nk taw kenapa?? yea la ada la org tu wat surprise kat aku...aku xtaw pe2 la senang citer. Mne x nyer ttbe mmbr Fad nk ajak g mkn kat KFC...xprnh2 nk ajak..xde angin,xde ribut nk ajak.. Mse tu just pikir, "okay let just have some fun, grab smthg from KFC and then go home"
ish...dh la wat statement killer dpn semua org.. thanks syat,tutup mata aku ni..eleh,,tutup mata pun dh leh agak dh...rupenyer semua org taw pasal ni..except me..
At that time, ada kawan2 fad : din,fariz,afam,sakinah. Syat, Yan dgn kak Odah pun ada jgk...
speechless at that time. It's like I want to say, " how could you guys do this to me.." (although really like it but mcm kne wakanabeb) BANG!!
It does give impact on me and make me take time to response to that surprise... Fad..U r the best on make me surprise...(jgn buat lg)
hargai sgt dpt kwn2 mcm ni...kalau nk aku tlg,,ckp je...kalau leh nisa setelkn...xde hal la..mmbr nyer pasal...hehehe...
Thursday, February 03, 2011
things that I like..
- Anything that relate to chocolate.. ice-cream chocolate, cake chocolate,hot chocolate.. usually when I'm stress I will something chocolate thing to make me feel better. seriously for me..totally work.
- Comic book. I would prefer read light thing rather than novel. I do like novel but when I need totally in a mood to read novel.
- Dreaming..yes, I really love dreaming..with prince charming, be a super hero.. I like my imagination..truly beyond my mind
- Sing and dance..not professional just for fun. for me to express my feelings.
- Watch movies. prefer on cartoon and comedy
- Walk alone in a park or lake.. to watch the view and relax
- Watch other people. usually when I went for shopping. I will look others behavior.. one thing that I would do is I will make a guess what are their occupations, martial status, have car or not.. Sometimes quite fun to do it.. Just not to carried away with it..
- Talk to myself. although people might think that I'm crazy. I really don't care.
- Sleep. Actually not all the time I like to sleep especially when I have a lots things to be done.
- Have a fight with my siblings. One of fun thing to do.
I think 10 things that I like is enough to be display here in my blog. There still some other thing that I like but...he he he it's okay.. Just 10 okay?
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Something that I wrote
Hey..It's been a while to be here.. I just want to write something that I wrote in a past..
What is honesty? honesty on helping other people? Are you really sincere in helping your friends when they need you? without complaining? Is it something that consideration of other people? Is that we call sincere? I really don't like to inconvenience others. As long that I still capable of doing it, I won't rely on others. Am I too dependent on others? I don't think so. As far that I know, I won't make other feel burden because of me.
Here's are something that I will say when I am in trouble.
-I can settle it on my own.
-We do not mess with other people,as long as people do not bother us.
-Don't talk too much or else.. you will get some trouble.
-I shouldn't say anything. I will make others feel annoying ( So better shut up)
-Just hang in there..
Let other people feel happy so that we won't get any fight. Most of my friends sensitive people, so I as a friend should watch my words and my actions that won't hurt their feelings. Like my dad said, we must take a good care of our friends feeling, even though we are right,just give up. No use on fighting each other. Just let it go.
One thing that I know about myself is,whenever I frustrated or get so upset... I need ice-cream. Chocolate flavor. That will make me feel better. It feels like all my negative feelings been wash away by the melted ice-cream..yum yum..
Let just say, I do proud of what I stand for. I don't regret it. I feel like a winner. It takes time for me to get up actually. If you want to stand your right, you just need a guts and take a risk. If you don't do it, you should proud of yourself too because you able to control your feelings be professional. You don't take anything too personal. So,keep up the good work. One thing that you should aware,you might get hurt from the inside. Get heal quickly by talk to someone that you really trust. This is from my own experience.
"Don't be afraid to make a mistake. From that mistake, you learn something big" I always hold to this words whenever I go.
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